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School Community Council December 2022

Writer's picture: Brenda SwanBrenda Swan

Kohala High School SCC meeting December, 08 2022


  • Quarter 1 - Attendance / Academics

  • Overview of Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)

  • Preparing 2022 - 2023 SY Financial Plan (Salaried)

SCC December Meeting Transcript


Crystal Williams, Principal Stafford, Brenda Swan, Jessica Patao, Ross Pagat, Maekayela Galam, Taysia Thornton, Thomas Giel


This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors

Brenda Swan: I'm Brenda Swan. I am the secretary.

Thomas Giel: And Ms. Thornton

Taysia Thornton: Hi, I miss Taysia Thornton, I'm a current math teacher and SAC.

Principal Stafford's Presentation: and,

Thomas Giel: Thank you Mr. Paget.

Ross Pagat: Ah, Ross Paget Community member. Sorry I'm just getting home. So I'm gonna jump on my computer right after this.

Thomas Giel: Thanks Ross, Principal Stafford.

Principal Stafford: Amy Stafford, Principal.

Thomas Giel: Makayla.

Maekayela Galam: Makayla Galam and Student representative.

Thomas Giel: And Ms. Williams

Thomas Giel: Crystal… Maybe you should.

Brenda Swan: I don't see her on here anymore.

Thomas Giel: Yeah, maybe you should join us back again.

Thomas Giel: Again. Well, thank you everyone for joining us today. I want us to take a minute. I know that last meeting. We did go ahead and process our minutes electronically. Am I think what we need to do is that we actually need a hard copy with regards to our minutes. So, if you look at the agenda, In our agenda, we had the minutes that was attached. So, if you could take a minute to review, And then we'll go ahead and approve the minutes.

Thomas Giel: I hope everyone had the chance to review the minutes. I need a motion for approval of our November minute.

Thomas Giel: Thank you. Ms. Thornton moves for approval of the November minutes. Is there a second?

Thomas Giel: Thank you Makayla. It has been moved and seconded that our November minutes, we approved all those in favor. Please say, aye

Thomas Giel: all those opposed, say nay,

Thomas Giel: See that there's no opposition, The motion passes to approve the minutes. If you. Everyone. Miss Williams is trying to get back onto our call right now. Actually, logged her off and she's trying to get back on but it's not allowing her to Get back on wondering if we were recording.


Brenda Swan: Yeah, I think it happened right after I started recording.

Thomas Giel: um,

Thomas Giel: thank you.

Thomas Giel: Okay, she can get back on, she can get that. We're gonna go ahead and forward. I'm gonna turn the meeting over now to Principal Stafford. With the presentation and approval of the salary financially. Principal Stafford.

Principal Stafford: Thanks TJ. All right, so just kind of wrapping up some things from this first semester. So thank you for the approval of the minutes. We're gonna talk about some potential salary, financial plan changes and some things that just came through today.

Principal Stafford: We're also, I wanted to ask this group about a potential for us to put in for two waiver days. Based on some current staff conversations that we've had as well as. I'm not sure if we got any feedback on pros and cons of, if we would start a little bit later, I know our students have expressed that. If school started at 9, they would definitely be here on time.

Principal Stafford: I'm not, I'm not a hundred percent sure about that, but I felt it would be worth it for us to go through some pros and cons because this is kind of our last meeting to talk about these things. See what this group thinks, take it to staff, when we come back and then put together some official proposals, in January, for approval because most of these things and decisions are due in February. UM, so that's on here, as well as some changes that I just wanted to make people aware of that are happening in semester too, or potentially happening, get some feedback. Um, Michaela will have a student update for us and share some of the things they've been doing and then just a reminder of winter break dates because we do come back. in the middle of a week in January, so,

Principal Stafford: I actually had that I need to put that first before the agenda because we go through that approval first. So just a quick review because I know we've already had our title one meeting. And I talked to you about the fact that because we're a title, one school. We have to do our comprehensive needs assessment, our teachers, spend two meetings going through our some of our data and our old CNA and gave some feedback on kind of what are some strengths and what are some challenges. So we can finalize that and submit it. So just a reminder that we do have to take that dive into the data. It's a requirement for Title. One schools and for us to receive that federal funding, and then the CNA actually drives the financial plan, as well as the academic plans, We're kind of going through those quickly, just some highlights on all of those things. So, the CNA helps identify those strengths and needs that we should be focusing on which helps us determine the person. Now that we need to meet those needs, as well as then. What does that academic plan to

Principal Stafford: Us look like to move the school forward.

Principal Stafford: And those are all state requirements. So I just put some quick highlights from the CNA and from some of the discussions that came out from our teachers, just for some demographic data. We do currently have 267 students, 70 of them are freshmen 63 or sophomore, 65 juniors, and 65 seniors. 32 of those students are enrolled in Special Education, 19 or ELL and we have a little over 50% that qualify for free and reduced to lunch. I will say that we to preserve funding. We decided not to become a CEP school. And I know I've talked about this before, but there is some discussion around. What's going to happen next year with funding for schools, that did decide to go to see EP schools because that provides the free busting and lunch for everyone but then schools don't get as high an amount of funding that comes directly back to them and that would greatly affect us. So we're still in a good space.

Principal Stafford: Right now with that, our average class sizes are more manageable with some changes that we discussed in Maine. For this year, we do still have a few freshmen classes that are large because of the scheduling. And we actually have one PE class that has two teachers. Our security Uncle Manana is helping assist Mr. Kise in one of his PE classes because there are so many students.

Principal Stafford: Little quick rundown on some data, students rated themselves higher, in all areas than students in the rest of the complex, when it came to, some of their social emotional needs and sense of belonging when up a little. But it still remains our lowest scoring area with a motion regulation being the second lowest. And I would agree based on things that we've seen is students really struggle to learn how to cope when things don't go. Well, there's a quicker response to anger or just wanting to leave or breaking down. We're really seeing post covid with students, just relearning that socialization and…


Principal Stafford: how to manage conflict. And when things become difficult, we have more than ever more counselors and support from the state in this area. And we're taking full advantage of that through the utilization of hazel health, which is an online additional Things students can get, We have a full-time counselor as well as an sbbh counselor on campus and the elementary counselor or sbbh counselor works with a few of our students as well. And we've been referring students to a new psychologist who just moved into town recently. So we're definitely seeing more people reaching out for that help, which is good. And now, we're just trying to connect them with resources outside of school and…

Principal Stafford: within school to meet those needs. Students do feel some things that teacher said Students do feel school is important and they know they need to do well but there's a difficulty with that connection seeing why this is relevant, how they're gonna use that in life? A lot of them don't feel that. What they're learning. Now, they're gonna remember a year from now because that there's just that disconnect still and…

Principal Stafford: they have for many years recognized and felt that teachers really know their stuff. They know their content but again there's a disconnect on how that information is being shared to students with that relevancy. So we're continuing to work on that moving forward.

Principal Stafford: We are continuing work on becoming an academy school and also have an increased focus this year on differentiation. And what we're doing at that classroom level to help meet student needs. Um, We have qualified,…

Principal Stafford: and I think I shared this last month, as a targeted school for intervention, which means we will get more support with, from the state, which is a good thing. But our 19 EL students are not showing the growth that they should be showing. And we're receiving some additional strategies that we can use with our AL students. But all of these strategies are just good classroom. Tier one strategies to help me. The needs of learners, who are maybe below level and how we get them access to, that grade level content and…

Principal Stafford: help fill in some of those pucas to catch them up. So, second semester, we will be having some people come to the school three times during semester to to provide some additional support. For us in that area because we're qualified as a targeted school and this CNA includes our new mission and vision. That I know we reviewed a few months ago in this group as well. So we're continuing our areas of focus with that increase in that academic rigor and relevancy student engagement still getting our students ready for college or…

Principal Stafford: career for when they leave us having those skills to problem solve and communicate. Well, as well as through the PLC process. And doing a lot of collaboration within our departments, just really focusing on individual student growth having that differentiation in place, maybe doing small groups to meet student needs.

Principal Stafford: so,

Principal Stafford: In identifying based on data, some of those needs then that moves us to the salaried financial plan. And I think I mentioned last month that we had put in for some reserve funds for two full-time teacher positions to support our culinary line,…

Principal Stafford: which is really growing and is a solid program that Ms. Figgs has developed, We just had 10 people from Oahu here today to see that program and it's also a part of our Academy structure even though, it's not one of our main pathways working with the natural resources. So we were, I just found out right before this meeting, we were approved for those two teacher positions…

Principal Stafford: which means that 131,000 and some odd dollars does not have to come out of our own plan money that we were awarded. This is additional two positions that will not have to come out of that, that

Principal Stafford: Pile of money. So we are going to be using that to purchase a full-time teacher position for our culinary line as well as to maintain that math fourth math support teacher that we put in for last year as well. So With having this additional money,…

Principal Stafford: that definitely helps and that leaves us more money. In our salaried financial plans. So, we are now down to a decision of Do we try to get a VP again? And do we buy that position again? It is a large sum of money. None of the schools up in Kohala, have VPs right now, they've taken routes to bring in additional teacher positions or counselor positions to try and support at that school level right now.


Principal Stafford: With selling our VP position, we added an attendance clerk, we added Increased 0.5, custodial position to a full-time custodial position. We bought a second security person and this year we also with some funding, we have Mrs. Patel is gonna become our curriculum coordinator next semester. So, we'll be looking for another ela teacher. These are always that we tried to provide school-wide support. I know that with the improvement of some systems, we I think there are some ways that we could manage with,…

Principal Stafford: you know, get some conversations. We've had as a Stafford just getting on board with what we're really tight about and being Being together on certain things to be able to move the school forward all in the same direction. So we are looking again, now that this money's been approved, and I apologize that I don't have the exact numbers, but I'm looking at, if we do purchase that VP, again, we would definitely need to go back to one security person to make up some of that money to be able to afford that position again.

Principal Stafford: And then as we discussed last month, that would just mean less funding for other expenses, we would do some shifting around with how we're using our Title One funds. We would move some of those other expenses over to Title, One to free up, some WSF funding, to be able to buy that VP position.

Principal Stafford: It's definitely something that you know when I'm out teachers have to be have to take on that role to be teacher in charge because right now and we'll talk about this a little bit later, we don't have another educational officer with our athletic director position being posted again. So this is what I'm looking at with seeing if financially we can make that work with making things move around and at least post that VP position again and see if we can get a qualified applicant all across the state.

Principal Stafford: But especially in West Hawaii, there are several principles that have had to go without VPs just because there are no applicants out there. A few people were lucky to get the few that trickled in from the mainland. But we're not looking to just fill the position. We're looking to fill the position with the right person. Otherwise that is a lot of money. That is not giving us the bang for our buck that we need for our school and our community. So

Principal Stafford: We can do like we have done in the past which is post it try to fill it.

Principal Stafford: If it doesn't happen, redistribute that money in other ways and have that backup plan in place. So that's something that I'll be sharing with the staff through email just around that decision because I because of just finding out today, I apologize for the timing. I did not have that back all of those numbers in place in that backup plan is to if we got that funding, what that would mean? I was kind of planning for if we didn't. We would the priority was always at the classroom level with having the teachers that we needed and…

Principal Stafford: the support staff. So right now, That would be the only position that we would be looking to pull away as well as that's with our WSF funds. In our salaried financial plan. We also need to eliminate one of our spend positions. We are currently in a deficit for special education. We're gonna be able to make some of that up this year, but our numbers we just did our child child count for special education this week as well. And we went from 39 students that qualify to 32 and that's a significant amount of money and…

Principal Stafford: with us already being in deficit, that does mean that we are going to be Cutting one of our inclusion teacher positions right now is where because that has the least impact on the classroom level. And so we currently have five teachers that are

Principal Stafford: That are emergency hires or they are set to be tenured next year and so they're unassigned for next year and so for us that is five positions that will be posted right now for next school year. So that's one of our social studies lines.

Principal Stafford: We're going to have two ela positions that are posted unless we get someone who's already tenured into Mrs. Patel's position but it's not looking like that's going to happen. We're still trying for a second list. So right now we will probably be starting semester two with us a teacher. We're also going to be posting our life skills position and then our Spanish and EO coordinator position. So These are all things that were just within the last day because of childcount monies and finding out today about the salaried financial plan that came through.


Principal Stafford: So teachers are aware the teachers that this does affect are aware if they're going to be tenured or if they're an emergency hire or if we're not able to buy that position back. So we're gonna be moving forward. And with that and hopefully we will be able to post the VP position again because I know that that's something that will help. Read me up to be able to support teachers better and be able to manage behaviors and have better consistency on campus. So I'll be working on that tonight,…

Principal Stafford: emailing teachers, and then we'll finalize all of that information for you at the next meeting in January. But before I move to how this affects our academic plan and get some suggestions on the academic plan, which is what we are leading up to. Are there any questions about right now? We're just looking at our salaried financial plan and what positions we can afford when it comes to our staff that are salaried.

Principal Stafford: Yes Mr. TJ go ahead.

Thomas Giel: Being that, you know, you said that we stole the VP position and then it gave this fatality opportunity to become Curricular curriculum coordinator. Did we not have a curricular coordinator before?

Principal Stafford: So Jessica actually had two open periods in her line, where she could do curriculum coordinator,…

Principal Stafford: work during period four and beer and period 6.

Principal Stafford: But it really it's difficult. We see the same thing with our part-time tech coordinator, and I think it probably works a little bit better right now, for Connor with his, El Coordinator position because he has Miss Vanzant, helping with some of the paperwork and he's able to get into the classes during that time, but without having a VP, there are a lot of things school-wide system-wide system, wise that VPs would do that. A curriculum coordinator can meet that need and so I knew with not having a VP. After first semester we got actually into second quarter that we needed somebody in that position full-time to be able to help with the things that we're trying to do this year,…

Principal Stafford: especially around that professional learning community process. And what we're trying to do within the departments and with the data that is all stuff that usually a VP would help coordinate and organize, and I've had to miss way too many meetings and Jess and I haven't been able to coordinate enough. On those initiatives to really help move the school forward, like we need to. And so I did ask her if she would be willing to move to that position halfway through the year…

Principal Stafford: because there was just more of a sense of urgency. I knew that we couldn't wait until next year or we would end up going backwards in this new process that I felt was really going to be effective, school-wide for our students. We need to have that consistency and it's gonna take two of us to be able to make that work. So yeah, we did have a curriculum coordinator but it was very part-time.

Principal Stafford: We need a second person, getting into classrooms helping teachers, helping us collect the data help,…

Principal Stafford: run those department meetings every week so that we can keep that forward momentum. Going, That's the most important place right now where we're gonna see change.

Principal Stafford: Yes, Ross.

Ross Pagat: Okay, so you just asking us, what is our thoughts on the VP portion or just kind of all of it off to all together?

Principal Stafford: Anything that comes to mind. Yes.

Ross Pagat: um, Yeah, I walk, I see the benefits of having a vice principle and I have the, I can see a benefits of having to security, but I can see that if you have a vice principal, that can also be your extra security walking around. during recess time, covering all and,…

Principal Stafford: Okay.

Ross Pagat: and doing all the multiple Other things of being a support to you. On covering all the other things that is already on top of your plate. So, I know it's a tough decision but I know that having a vice principle could be helpful for yourself but also, you can pay play a dual part. It's an extra security person automatically because it's an admin person. So um, That's, that's me. I know it's hard because it's You don't know. It's I you guys are in the top position because you guys gonna decide what's best for For each year. So,

Ross Pagat: Um, another VP would be helpful but I know that would sacrifice other positions.


Principal Stafford: I am doing everything I can to, you know, be able to do all of it.

Principal Stafford: And really trying to see because we just got our funding for title one for next year as well. So I'm moving these numbers around and trying to transfer things over and see how we could make it work and what sacrifices we would be able to make. I think I talked at the last meeting that, you know, teachers the last few years have been able because we haven't been able to travel. They've had a lot more money in classroom supply money there've been gofundme that the state has helped provide additional supplies and…

Principal Stafford: that might be an area where we can back off a little bit. We've been able to purchase technology over the last few years, for that same reason. Students have one-to-one devices. We we would be able to move forward without having to spend a lot of money on technology right now too. So I'm really trying to piece together all of these things that just came out this week and see how we can move things around because the staff have been pretty clear that we need a VP. They know that I'm just not able to be as consistent and…

Principal Stafford: on top of

Principal Stafford: Things as I would like to be because there's only so many hours in the day and if, you know, ideally we'd have that classroom level would be set. There'd be a lot of preventative measures in place. We'd have two security walking around that can also help us be preventive. So that there would not be a lot of behaviors that we're worrying about. But as we're coming out of covid, it's almost like we need more people to take care of everything and to get some things in place. And then once we have more things in place, school-wide, we'd be able to potentially back back down a little bit on the extra supports that we need.

Principal Stafford: But right now, we really are needing that and I know teachers would like to have a VP where if they are having a problem in the class, the VP can come down there and is going to be available more available than I am. Usually to be able to help problem solve with that right away and be able to you know navigate meetings between teachers and students before they come back. All of these pieces that do take more time and my time is definitely limited when I'm here. So I'm doing everything I can to at least have that as an option going into next year. Without affecting any of the extra positions that we were able to put in place this year…

Principal Stafford: because of selling that VP position. And definitely this reserve funding makes a huge difference and helps because we're able to secure two of those positions and it doesn't come out of our WSF pod.

Ross Pagat: One more thing Principal. So let's just say you you put in that VP position. I know it's hard to Sometimes, it's hard to feel the VP position. Does that mean that you can give it back so that you could hire? So other people to cover for that. For that school year. Okay.

Principal Stafford: Correct. So if we weren't able to fill that position, then we can sell it back and get most of our money back depending on the time frame and then repurpose that money to other areas. Whether it's personnel or other things that we see would be helpful for For our students and for the programs that we're trying to run here on campus.

Principal Stafford: Yes, TJ.

Thomas Giel: I just you know like with Mrs Patao doing the curriculum I think it's so hard when you have a teacher doing two things you know like Jess has to teach English and to curriculum. It's So much. I think it's so much easier and better when you have someone just doing one. Thing, you know just he's gonna do curriculum Then. She should just focus on curriculum and do that part. It's hard. I think for teachers to juggle multiple positions. The school and…

Principal Stafford: and,

Thomas Giel: I think it's easier for them as well.

Principal Stafford: For sure. And I know there's a lot that she wanted to do and that we talked about doing and there's just only so much time,…

Principal Stafford: you know, even though even days, she would have her meetings with her departments and then two curriculum coordinator times.

Principal Stafford: That would go to. She was working with teachers in their classrooms working with some of our new teachers that have come in. But school-wide system-wide, there. Just was not enough time and then you go to Fridays and it's she's got time here. But then she has PLO because she's got her home room and then she's got. So it was really all broken up and we really need more time when we can meet and have these discussions on what needs to be put together. Talk about what we're seeing in classrooms.

Principal Stafford: I really see this position being able to have a big impact on that classroom level because there'll be two of us to divide in conquer, we'll be able to prep better for staff meetings and leadership meetings so that we're making the most out of the time that we have when we are with staff and teachers to for training and getting everybody on the same page and that can have a huge impact in a very short period of time with moving us forward. So this will be a really good Really good trial time for us.


Principal Stafford: I think the second semester to see how this will go and what things we can put in place. She'll also work closely with Brookie because scheduling plays a huge part in what we're able to provide for our kids. Curriculum wise. And what we're seeing is the needs and just having that third person that can be a part of that conversation is going to be very valuable.

Principal Stafford: A lot of schools have curriculum coordinators. Yeah, the elementary school does has a full-time curriculum coordinator.

Principal Stafford: I'm not a hundred percent. Sure. On the middle school. They're a little bit smaller than us and I know that there's certain people that kind of take on that role or something similar. They do have the Renee who's the student in charge of student affairs and she goes to a lot of the meetings that Jessica goes to now and takes on kind of that VP slash curriculum coordinator role. Over there. So, Yeah, it's an important piece when we're looking at. You know what we need to improve at the classroom level starting there.

Principal Stafford: That's the heaviest impact, that's the biggest bang for your buck. So that's why the majority of our financial plan is going to go to personnel. Because we recognize we need more people to be able to handle all of the things that we're trying to grow and build on campus right now.

Principal Stafford: We have, I feel the right people, the dedicated people we are, we've just got to work on, you know that consistency across the departments in the classrooms now and…

Principal Stafford: all getting on the same page. And that's some of the last conversations we've had with them teachers this week.

Principal Stafford: Anybody else before we because I do want to get just some feedback on hearing all of this things that you see that, maybe we want to increase a focus on in our academic plan moving forward.

Principal Stafford: Okay, I was sitting here waiting for someone else to switch the presentation.

Principal Stafford: Sorry, this is only the second meeting I'm doing it. So let me go back real quick. I want to go back to the bottom of the CNA because this talks about where we're putting our focus, so academic rigor and relevancy. When it comes to programs that were offering at that classroom level and that includes providing training for teachers around, how to all beyond the same page with how we're looking at data strategies that we're using. In the classroom, the programs that we have in place to have our kids ready for anything.

Principal Stafford: The biggest thing is them being problem, solvers being able to persevere through problems, we're really putting a focus on learning, not just grades, but having more of a buy-in to what they're learning and why it's relevant moving forward. And then that professional learning Community process is also a big part of the academic plan so that we can increase our math and ELA scores really looking at what are the kids' strengths and….

Principal Stafford: where their challenges in honing it on how we can expand and enrich what we're teaching them and also how we can fill in those pucas, for the kids that are below grade level and still need some of those basic foundations while we're trying to move them forward with the grade level content as well.

Principal Stafford: Around this area also is social emotional learning, and we're really trying to be moving forward. That's something else. I'm gonna ask Jessica to help with is being real clear on what social emotional learning is. And our second semester training that we have for all staff is around conscious discipline and it's going to be with all three schools and it really.

Principal Stafford: Teaches about the mindset. We've been talking as staff about What are we tight about and What are we loose? And there's so many things that you can have rules in place, but there's always those exceptions. And so, it's getting us all on the same page with What is our mindset around. And How do we empower ourselves to make those decisions when the rules can be broken or bent, for particular students? How to approach students? So that if they're already in an agitated state…

Principal Stafford: how to teach them calming strategies and for ourselves, learn how to deal with heightened behaviors later. So we don't escalate situations and really all having the same language around that as well. So those are gonna be our focus areas based on our data, in our academic, plan to help move us forward and things that will be looking at. We do need to we're a little behind our academic review team, at the beginning of January, needs to look at our current plan. And basically,…


Principal Stafford: the just see where we are with Our data on our current academic plan, to make sure that we're on the right track for our academic plan for next year, with the areas that we're continuing to focus on.

Principal Stafford: so, the purpose of today, Is, you know, from what and we had a really good principles coffee talk. This morning actually with families from all three schools that had great suggestions. And you know, the community here's things parents, here's things from their kids and they're asking us questions about How can we do this better and…

Principal Stafford: what can we do for this one thing that middle school and high school talked about was just engagement and the elementary school actually too that we're all working on. Just getting kids more cognitively engaged and understanding why it's and why what they're learning is important. So I wanted to offer a chance. I can't edit this right now while I'm showing it but I'll take notes to add into here on any feedback based on. You know what we've felt is important. Are there things that you want to make sure that you feel the school needs to focus on as we're making a plan to increase.

Principal Stafford: SEO Classroom Practices and Academics.

Principal Stafford: And just all having a collaborative environment, that moves the school forward. Preparing our kids for when they leave us.

Principal Stafford: Or do you feel what we focused on the last couple of years and kind of the direction we're going in the Where we're headed in the right direction. Or we're Yeah. What we're focusing on is where the needs are.

Ross Pagat: Sorry, I'm just curious. I I like to actually hear from Mikayla from a student pers.

Ross Pagat: To help us adults. Kind of see from your perspective.

Ross Pagat: And if you don't want to say anything, that's okay too. So I just am, putting out there because I really do want to hear from a student voice because

Maekayela Galam: Um, what do you want to hear?

Ross Pagat: Yeah.

Principal Stafford: How about we start with what you're hearing, and how you feel about what you're learning in class?

Principal Stafford: And if you feel that, it's relevant, that it's helpful. For when you leave, if it's gonna be helpful for when you leave high school,

Maekayela Galam: Oh, okay, um, well, just recently actually just today it happened. One of my classmates was like, I don't get how this is relevant, I don't know how this is gonna benefit me in the future. Um, I never said anything though because I kind of agree. but um, I do see like a lot of like um, repetitive In like in my classes and…

Maekayela Galam: But sometimes it makes us like all think, like we're just like doing the same thing all over again. And because Personal Narrative for Mrs, Patao's class and historic um historical narrative for Mrs. Helen's class. It's kind of like the same because we're doing um essays so I guess that's what makes people think like we're doing this like repeated repeatedness all over again just because like

Maekayela Galam: These, they see.

Maekayela Galam: That we're doing the same exact thing for Ela class and we're putting it into history. I just think that law students like now, especially like, my grade It's also because they don't really see as much in your future. like they think, like,

Principal Stafford: That's really great feedback. Thank you.

Principal Stafford: Yes, Mrs. Patel

Jessica Patao: um so I I don't even like know really where to start like but I remember being told like a few years ago that Like the kids will see value in the things that we value.


Jessica Patao: And so, you know, when we're looking at just the things that they're Doing it's hard to be like, Okay, you guys were doing this and that's it, you know, and it's just kind of assigned as is, you know, or whatever. And it can be it PTP or even like work within, you know, the classes and stuff like that. And I really feel like our school needs to put and decide kind of like where our values lie.

Jessica Patao: So and then really put like effort into making sure that we are spending that time even if it's like, you know, a lot of time that we don't necessarily have doing those things and explaining. And I was telling my kids today, too. I one of the things that I wish that we as a school would also do was like teach kids how to interact with adults like teach kids how to go up to their teacher and…

Jessica Patao: say, Okay. So this I am I'm not I don't feel like I'm learning anything with the way that this is going. Can we like Talk about how maybe, you know, like you could help me figure out, you know, something or whatever. So kind of like really making kids, advocate for themselves a bit more but teaching them how to do that.

Jessica Patao: Because I guess what I'm finding more and more is again. Like it's this a suicide, right? Like we assume all these things that these kids know. Oh, like I keep on coming back to PTP ptp,…

Jessica Patao: for example, it's super easy to just go in like, Google, what a resume looks like or what a cover letter looks like, but our kids don't do that. But at the same time we haven't put that value into like why it is that they're doing that. And so I think we have like what Mikayla is saying. It feels like these things are super repetitive instead of laying out. Okay this is why we're doing a personal narrative and a historical narrative at the same time. You know these are the reasons why we're doing this and doing this but I also feel like there's like kids are afraid to ask…

Jessica Patao: why like they're afraid to be you know ask teachers. Why is it that we're doing this? And so I don't know, like I I do know that teachers need a lot of work and a lot of help too, but I just keep on thinking like our kids only with us four years and…

Jessica Patao: then they're out there and then that's it. And so it's becoming much more practical even like we as an ela department are like, Oh I think we need to focus a lot more on technical writing you know like because when are the kids ever gonna write like a narrative again, You know they only doing it to like get into college maybe but I doubt that they'll do it again in their life. so, I don't know, I don't know that makes sense. And I don't know if it's relevant to what it is over talking about. But

Principal Stafford: No, it definitely isn't a piece that Mrs. Patel brought up is something that came in,…

Principal Stafford: in our teacher meetings, the this week is just us working as a school students and staff on communication and the importance of all of us being very clear.

Principal Stafford: Definitely explaining that why in the relevancy and making that a part of the communication, but also opening up and offering a safe space to say, How do you feel about that, or What do you think about that? What some feedback that you might have for me on this? I think it's a fine balance…

Principal Stafford: because we do Get a lot of feedback from you guys through anonymous surveys. Uncle Ross works with us on that and we work to try to Better meet student needs based on what the data showing and what kids are telling us. And at the same time, we also need to prepare you for the fact that people aren't going to do that. When you leave high school all the time, they're not going to, you know, if you go to a job they're not going to modify things and make it present everything in a way that you really like or that's even easier for you. So we've got to help prepare you for problem solving and…

Principal Stafford: how to use resources and how to advocate for yourself and communicate for yourself. I've had to learn a lot of read, you know, things for myself with how to organize so much information coming at once, and how to, you know, take important pieces of things so that I can identify What absolutely needs to be done and be able to organize my days for completing things. Otherwise I don't get anything done and it's just everything is Is figuring it out and how it works for you. There's times, you know, our kids have expressed some difficulties with even watching the morning announcements…

Principal Stafford: because some of it isn't relevant to them. But that's a skill, you're gonna have to learn how to, you know, be respectful, sit, listen. I think sometimes to things that you don't feel are relevant for you and be back in it and more engaged when it is and taking notes. And those are all important pieces because life really doesn't Cut out all the fat for you, you've got to learn these strategies, how to identify your own strengths and…


Principal Stafford: challenges. And that's part of what we need to do with more of a sense of urgency from the first day that you come in as freshmen. Helping you identify what your strengths are, what your needs are, what you enjoy. So that slowly as you are working through.

Principal Stafford: You do have a little bit of a better idea of what you like, you may not know what job you want to do. If you want to go to college, you may not even know that your senior year, but at least you're a little more in tune to yourself as a person and what your hopes and dreams are for yourself, for when you leave school because this is the last chance that we have to teach you a lot of things.

Principal Stafford: So that you're prepared when you're out on your own. So we are. We're very reflective as a staff and we have a lot of conversations. And we've just started some new conversations around this. And you know what we value and what are our top priorities for you guys to help you learn and to value your time here as well. Yes, Mrs. Thornton

Taysia Thornton: Just thinking about like Mikayla said and what? Mrs. Patao said,…

Taysia Thornton: I'll close that.

Taysia Thornton: because I do see the need for students to learn how to communicate with adults or just how to like

Taysia Thornton: Advocate for themselves, even with their peers. And I was wondering if we have a like, I'm new here. So we could have no idea. But do we have a speech class or anything like that? That really focuses students on like verbal communication and solidifying evidence-based argument while articulating that because I found myself like not hearing Lisa, how happened multiple times in the last two weeks…

Taysia Thornton: where I personally wasn't aware of a situation where a student needed my help and it arise and just ended up blowing up into something significantly more. Just because one single question was an asked or, you know, and I just feel like there is a really strong need of students getting comfortable communicating verbally with each other and with their adults and what is appropriate, and how to do it. Respectfully. And that's just needed skill, and the workforce of being able to communicate with your boss and with your employers and your workers want and whatnot. So I guess we do have a speech class. I saw some heads nodding

Principal Stafford: No, I think we were nodding because this is something that's come up before and that we're in agreement with that. Our kids do need these skills, we have through the ELA standards.

Principal Stafford: I know, like this semester electives have really put a focus on oral presentation and speaking in front of others and in that type of way. But no, we don't have anything like speech or debate, it'd be great even if it could start as a club because we have been trying to incorporate it into classes more and practicing it in classes, but No, we don't. Although we might have some space,…

Ross Pagat: Yeah.

Principal Stafford: we might have some space and some lines if we had the right people. To offer that for some students actually.

Ross Pagat: Cuz I've been there on the side. Oh, like the some students come out to me. Like They're scared of the lash back if they speak to adult. So sometimes it's just a side conversation. I've been having is it okay? I'm gonna teach you real quick. How you can approach this? In a respectful manner, you can copy me work for word for word if you want. Um but you can just kind of give them like a quick 101 on how to approach it and then some of them have taken advice and gone and it's helped them but I think it's two-fold one, they're afraid of the lash back…

Ross Pagat: because they go To adult and then they lash back then, they don't want to say anything else anymore. And then the other thing that you said was, You know, they don't know how to approach. So they're, they're still trying to figure that out on their own, but yeah, it's been I've been told by. Students, I'm just afraid of getting lash back for reaching out. to talk into the adult and then, previous times I got yelled back at and so They don't want to say anything else after.

Principal Stafford: Before I call on Jessica,…

Principal Stafford: I will say something that we're seeing with that lash back as some of that is perceived lash back, our students are. And I'm not saying that it doesn't happen or that it hasn't happened at all. But some of our students really struggle with any type of feedback, they see all feedback as criticism and really struggle to hear things that maybe Aren't easy to hear. And I think sometimes there's an assumption that if they ask that the answer will definitely be yes. Instead of being open to that conversation, that's a whole another piece and…


Principal Stafford: definitely relationship. Building is something that we've talked about this week with teachers and some of these newer conversations as we're looking at school climate and building a school culture, go ahead and Mrs. Patel

Jessica Patao: I was just gonna say like maybe a suggestion could be, you know, like we have that half credit for PTP, maybe they have to have a half credit of speech, you know, or something like that and I I really like the idea of blocking out time within the school year…

Jessica Patao: where everybody's doing it, you know, or like all classes are doing the same thing like I know that we had discussed, you know, before about like elevator speeches. Like every student has to do an elevator speech at the start of the year and then one again at the end of the year, in order to just get them used to being up there, having a specific format for, you know, for speaking.

Principal Stafford: If?

Jessica Patao: I know that, I know that there are a lot of private schools that do that, like, that require, you know, speech and debate or something because our kids love to talk, it's just that when it becomes, like, place of like you're up there, you know. And you're focus even though they have no problems. Like just talking, you know, like in front of everybody. Anyway,

Jessica Patao: But there's something about that focus, you know, that really freaks them out. And I think that's like, that's one of the most important skills and you could possibly have, like, I I remember senior projects, like a few years ago, I had this kid who was like barely passing my classes. Barely like and I'm just, like, I don't know what else like do with you. And then I went to go see his senior project and…

Jessica Patao: he spoke about like how he helped, you know, these little coach little kids basketball and I could not believe how articulate he was and it was because like he had got like just a ton of training leading up to senior project because he know how bad he was like you know speaking and I just think it would be really, really beneficial for kids to kind of Not have that as something that hinders them from, you know, going and getting a job or whatever. They're not afraid to speak and interact.

Taysia Thornton: Yeah, and so like I At the school that I went to, it was a mandatory requirement to take one semester of speech,…

Taysia Thornton: your ninth or tenth grade year and another semester year 11th or 12th grade year, and I remember like standing up for the first time thinking. Oh my God, I have this not just an essay that I wrote but I can actually like argument that I need to articulate and then it wasn't just how to speak. It was also about like how you should dress, how like your whole demeanor your whole persona that you, when you are presenting to something of importance and when you are having these business interviews and whatnot and so it was more like it was one of those useful skill classes. I think I ever took in high…

Taysia Thornton: because it really taught me like how to be professional and what was the difference between regular English and why it's important to switch over to standard English in the settings and like that. And I just think like our kids really need Help in understanding when the cold switching is important.

Taysia Thornton: And just not cool switching verbally, but cold switching and like your demeanor and how you stand and present yourself.

Thomas Giel: Thanks taysia, that's great. I kind of want to try and wrap up this little Section 8 kind of move on to our next case that we don't get kind of caught up all into this.

Principal Stafford: Yeah. They are that.

Thomas Giel: The suggestions for the academic plan. So if anyone else and A has any other comments, suggestions? Forward.

Principal Stafford: Okay. Just a couple of things that I wanted to present to here, to this group. You know, I've in conversations that we've had with the teachers recently, you know, there seems to be a need and that's why I want to bring it up here because I know I'm,…

Principal Stafford: I know I'd have a couple of teachers and a student as well for the whole staff to be able to have opportunities to have trainings. So that everyone on staff is on the same page and we're talking custodians and people in the cafeteria and security to join in any of these trainings that we do around while number one to for us to

Principal Stafford: Get to know each other better as a staff, our strengths and needs and get to know each other personally because when we don't get to spend much time with each other, there's a disconnect and when there's a disconnect it,…

Principal Stafford: the kids feel that, and we're not able to work together as well for the kids. I did talk with the other thing before I get into that. The other thing is, you know, a lot of things that I'm reading about academy schools and about these schools that really are moving. Their students forward, is that everybody is on the same page. And so students are hearing the same thing when they behave a certain way in the cafeteria or when security or the custodians, see them doing something in the hallways they're hearing the same responses because everybody understands what the larger picture and…


Principal Stafford: goal is of the school when it comes to these types of things. So I wanted to propose because I know we can ask for additional waiver days for training. Right now we have two days and one is for complex for all the teachers in the complex. We usually

Principal Stafford: It for that. And then the other one we're usually trying to catch up on trainings, partway through the year at the end of the year or twice, in one semester on things that we need to know for programs that we're using, or that type of thing. So, if we were able to get one extra day,…

Principal Stafford: a semester where students are not in school, but teachers are and all staff are required to come on those days. Then we would be able to. I feel bring the staff closer together and have everybody working together on the same page to help move the school and the students forward. So I wanted to put that out there. I did reach out to Principal Loyola, to discuss the potential for being able to schedule those days at the same time. Because I know that a lot of times, our students are responsible for watching their siblings at the elementary school.

Principal Stafford: And right now, when they've got parent conferences or days that the elementary students are in school, we have, we do have some students that are AB Because they are still in school. We don't have those same labor days. So we would try to coordinate with them and then I didn't get to talk with Ms Sanborn. But to see also if they did do some additional waiver days if we could coordinate with them as well, whatever they decided to do. So I wanted to throw that out there here because we are, there's some other things, we're getting feedback from staff on. So just wanted to see…

Principal Stafford: what people thought here before I move forward with the staff and try to put together a formal proposal for approval in January.

Jessica Patao: I'm gonna say yes but I want like a very strict and specific agenda like for those waiver days especially if it's like across like complex. Yes.

Principal Stafford: Oh no it when it's sorry it wouldn't be complex. It just be our school. So I was saying about the complex is that with the ones we already have one of them's taken by complex training and…

Principal Stafford: the other one is usually just you know stuff that we need to get trained on part way through the year or at the end of the year. So these would be just for our school for our staff.

Principal Stafford: But we are trying to coordinate with one elementary has different trainings or parent conferences or something like that.

Principal Stafford: We would be. It would be the agendas would be set with staff feedback as well things that they feel would benefit the staff as a whole yes Brenda Swan.

Brenda Swan: As far as everybody being on the same page. I loved Principal Loyola's answer when that person asked her about covid. Protocols and did she agree with them? She was like, Ah I'm not, it's not my position to agree or disagree. I'm representing the district, which I thought was a really concise way of saying, This is the line…

Brenda Swan: where we're on. This is what we do.

Principal Stafford: Thank you for that. Yeah, I don't think families always realize things that our school level decisions and things that are just mandated by the state. I think sometimes they think that we decide whether or not we're wearing masks or, you know, if there's certain vaccinations that are required. Yeah, it was a good chance to clarify that.

Principal Stafford: Right, with the same responses.

Principal Stafford: Any other thoughts or is there anybody that really would object to it to the high school? Essentially, the students not being here for two more days? For me because of some new information that came out. I think the two days would be worth it that it wouldn't just be two days that the kids would be missing…

Principal Stafford: but I think would be two days to help. Get us back on track or on the same track to be able to help them even more. And the proposal would just be for next year to try it and see if it seemed to help. It's a lot of times, our trainings are just with our teachers, we are able to bring in our eas to some of those as well or they have their own trainings, which has happened this year. But we'd want to include everybody.


Principal Stafford: Yes, Ross.

Ross Pagat: I mean I think it's a good idea. I think my concern is that Staff members don't take off when they're supposed to be in the training.

Ross Pagat: um, that's that's I think that's where I that's my concern because I've seen it happen to where there's a plan training for. whether it's elementary middle or high school and then people take off and you're like,

Ross Pagat: How you get, How do you get everybody on the same page? If you're taking off on top of the day that you're supposed to be there for the training? And so that will be,…

Ross Pagat: my biggest concern is that People plan to take off. And I hope to say nobody can take off that day, that everybody needs to show up on that training. I mean, you can't control anything, but at least, Say like, Hey this is planned because we're planning a training for the benefit of our staff so that we can progress further for positive growth and moving forward. Um, but I think I just seen it happen way too many times. We were like,

Ross Pagat: This is an important, yeah. Yeah.

Principal Stafford: The the reality is especially if we do it on the same day that elementary does, there are people…

Principal Stafford: who have kids and nobody to watch them. And so then all of a sudden we're off at the same time,…

Ross Pagat: Yeah.

Principal Stafford: elementary is and they've got to stay home and watch their child and then they miss the training. So it's valid we can't control when people take off. But yeah, we could highly encourage that. It's important for the school and for our kids and for them to show up. I'm

Principal Stafford: I know we're running, we're running really late, so I do just want to put it out there. I know, we've talked about the bell schedule a few times, I don't know that we'd be ready by next year.

Principal Stafford: We've had this conversation, we've had bell schedule committees, we've, we've gone over. I do just want people still thinking about that later start. And if we feel that it would help our kids, I know we've talked about, at least one of the pros that are athletes, who are getting home late from katu and from honaka, from games that are really struggling to get to school. The next day, or would really benefit from being able to start a little bit. Later, would be helpful. I know that my kids need a lot more sleep in a night than I do. I can get away with five or six hours and be great, but they need more like 10 and…

Principal Stafford: with their activities, a lot of times that doesn't happen. So I did just want to see if there were any Big cons to us, start potentially looking at a nine o'clock start time. or if that's something that we want to consider TJ,

Thomas Giel: I think the largest con I would look at, I mean adjusting a bell schedule is

Thomas Giel: For for like me, I'm not gonna use myself As an example. I'm a 75% employee.

Thomas Giel: My schedule is from 8 to 2:30. And then if you modify or adjust my schedule, it has to go through a whole lot. Right? You know, when you work with unions and modifying people schedules or changing their schedules, I think that's kind of like the only con I can.

Principal Stafford: Um would it be the process or that? You'd be like if we started at nine, that all the sudden you'd be what until 3:30 instead of 2:30.

Thomas Giel: Yes. It yeah. So you can't just do that. You just can't change someone's hours like for me my schedule,…

Thomas Giel: like I said, my schedules from 80 to 30. If you're gonna adjust that schedule, have me come earlier, or later other than what my actual schedule is, there has to be a union consultation on it to go through a whole you can't just tell somebody, okay? We're gonna change your schedule and you're gonna start this time. And this time,

Principal Stafford: No, it's definitely a process. That's why I said, I don't think we'd be ready by next year. There's a lot in a lot involved to that, for sure. Yes. Jessica

Jessica Patao: i I was just gonna say that like if that is possible like could we put all of the meetings that we have after school at the start of the day and then like do school regularly, After like that because I I don't know like I it's one thing I go back and forth because I I am old school and I really just want the kids to just suck it up and get here on time, you know and do all…

Jessica Patao: but I don't know. Like I just I feel like science shows right, that like kids do have a really hard time getting up that early in the morning and functioning that early and so I'm I'm definitely not opposed to like A later start but I kind of wouldn't want like us to start later. Like I don't want to stay, you know like later than what we already have to do.


Principal Stafford: Yes, we could definitely do that in their schools that already do the students start later,…

Principal Stafford: but the teacher start at 8 and so that might be meaning meeting time. It might be prep time, certain days, like, right now, what we have happening after school we could flop and put before school instead. So that we weren't here until five it every day. Ross.

Ross Pagat: So, as far as data goes, I'm tracking the traffic. Um, and still continue to chuck in and it's this second quarter. Everyone's coming in late,…

Ross Pagat: the last five to ten minutes of and after even after 8 o'clock, so you're having a lot of students late and some staff members linked in this second quarter. Because my, my average is 90 between 93 and 97 cars between 7:30 and 7:45. And then from 7:46 until after 8 o'clock, it's a hundred 50 plus vehicles coming in. Um, so this second quarter has been interesting, like they're coming in,…

Ross Pagat: everyone's coming in late and you're gonna, I'm interested to know how many tardies are in that this second quarter because it's very different from the first quarter, as far as People coming in late. So if that if you need data, I'm tracking. I'm tracking it every day, basically. So, um, I don't know, we'll see what the third quarter looks like. Maybe it has to do with the sun, I don't know. I mean,

Principal Stafford: just,

Principal Stafford: Well, I've seen students pass me on my way up to school, no matter how early it is. They pass me going to their job. Now that they've graduated and it's kids that never made it here before 9 o'clock and they're heading down the mountain at 6:30 6:45. So If we make it enticing enough maybe if we build it, they might come. I appreciate the feedback I am. I'm checking into it. Just what all is involved.

Principal Stafford: So that we have a better idea of what we'd be getting into and If we think it would be worth it and if we do want to honor science and have them start later but I know that's something that came out of your survey last year, Ross. So I wanted to make sure that we touched on it. This year, I will go quickly through this. Just wanted to let you guys know that Ross and Melissa in the middle of helping us put together. I've got to look at it. It's actually already been sent to me. Just a quick survey for staff and students to get feedback on whether or not they'd like to start eating in the cafeteria again,…

Principal Stafford: actually, one of the questions that was presented to me via the Google form for the Kohala Complex Principles meeting this morning, asked about that as well. And when I've brought it up, I know there's some staff members that are like, Yeah, can we now, because covid's not as much of a thing? Can we do that? So we just want to make sure students are aware that it would be It would be one or the other. It cannot be both that some are in the cafeteria and some are outside. There's many reasons involved in that but we want to get some student feedback on that to mckayla.

Principal Stafford: Do you have any comments on that before I move on? What do you think about eating in the cafeteria again?

Maekayela Galam: um, I don't really have anything to say about that, but I actually had someone who asked me a question if we're gonna actually open up the cafeteria to eat. Luncheon.

Principal Stafford: Yeah, I think especially on windy days like today people are probably wishing that. That was the case. So yeah, we just want to make sure that we get students involved in that it was an ask from the teachers in.

Principal Stafford: Second semester would make a lot of sense if we were going to make that change to do that. So we'll be getting that out for during homeroom next week. If I can get on it and get and get that feedback to Uncle Ross. And then I just wanted to give the same update here that I gave at our meeting this morning that our position for our athletic director has been posted internally, which means that sitting ads vice principles or principles can apply for the job. And then if we don't get any applicants or if we don't find someone…

Principal Stafford: who we feel is the right fit for the school, in that process it would be posted externally again. Unfortunately, it's a long process and so it will probably be January before we even know if anybody applied. And we can do any interviews and then if they didn't, we would have to repost so Would be February, most likely before we were looking at doing interviews for anyone that would apply externally. So we're very, very thankful for Mr. Kisei, who's our assistant ad right now? Who's kind of taken over all of the responsibilities, and has really been a huge help during this time,…


Principal Stafford: and it's gonna be helping during winter break, so that we're prepared and ready for spring sports.

Principal Stafford: all right, and then student updates and then just a reminder on winter break

Maekayela Galam: okay, so next we Saturday at 5:30 is when oh yeah next week Saturday at 5:30 is when the doors are gonna open for Our winter ball at Kohala Village Hub. Our assembly is next week,…

Maekayela Galam: Friday. And our last day of Spirit week is tomorrow, so come to school dress, all in white. And we're taking our canned foods to the Catholic Church food drive tomorrow.

Principal Stafford: Awesome. No.

Maekayela Galam: Or does anyone have questions?

Principal Stafford: You guys have just been doing an amazing job. I appreciate all the work and we so are grateful for Ms. Thornton who is stepped up as our SAC and…

Principal Stafford: has been doing a really great job like right in the middle of winter ball planning, she took over and his the kids have done. A lot of great things under her leadership with advertising and even doing announcements over the phone schoolwide with putting things in place for Spirit Week. So we're looking forward to the assembly next week to end our Our quarter.

Principal Stafford: And just a reminder that winter break does start December 19th. That's a Monday students.

Principal Stafford: Don't return until January 4th though. I think the first day of that week is like, New Year's observed, and then there's a teacher work day. So Wednesday January, 4th is when students come back from winter break.

Principal Stafford: Any last thoughts before we before TJ calls for adjournment. Thank you for hanging in there with us for a little bit longer this time. We appreciate it.

Thomas Giel: So, I think the end of semester one is that Friday, right?

Principal Stafford: Friday. The 16th.

Principal Stafford: I think it's the 16th.

Principal Stafford: So next week, Friday is our last day of school. For the semester.

Principal Stafford: And then our next if I'm correct, second Thursday, in January the next SCC meeting would be January 12th.

Thomas Giel: Yep, you're right January 12.

Principal Stafford: Thanks everybody. Yeah, you want to do your thing.

Thomas Giel: Years. Yeah, thank you everyone again, for taking the time out of your day and joining us any announcements.

Thomas Giel: I think that none I need a motion for a tournament, please. Thank you,…

Jessica Patao: Motion to Adjourn.

Thomas Giel: Miss. Oh,…

Ross Pagat: Second.

Thomas Giel: thank you Mr. Paget. Root and secretive that our community, a journal those in favor. Say I

Thomas Giel: Other suppose. Thanks to you guys have a great holiday season. Happy holidays.

Taysia Thornton: Bagger one.

Principal Stafford: Bye everybody.

Ross Pagat: Thank you.

Meeting ended after 01:14:32 👋

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