Thanks to Kohala High School students, led by advisors Ms. Meggs, Mr. Snelling and Uncle TJ, FFA is back!
FFA is an agriculture and leadership focused club with a rich history in Kohala.
In recent months, Kohala FFA has:
held a successful imu fundraiser
started agriculture projects
hosted service events
Uncle TJ, a former FFA member, supported students at the District FFA Competition January 15, where Kohala's FFA students placed in every category, ranging from creed recitation, job interview and plant identification, to extemporaneous public speaking.
Camille Pinho, Hailey Kauanoe-Galdones, Daysha Tayan, Kenneth Matsuda, Daylan Tayan-Germano, and Christine Kimball qualified for and will attend the state competition in April.
Stay tuned to hear more about the results from the states competition and a Kohala FFA website (coming soon) to keep you posted on exciting new events!
